Kram called me last night as we were getting the kids ready for bed. It's probably the first time I've talked to him in three years, and he sounds like he's gotten himself together again. He's living a quiet existence Downtown, dating a nurse, getting along with his ex, still on the wagon.
Good for him.
Anyway, the true purpose of the phone call was to tell me the Subteens are getting back together for a reunion show in April. Cool! I've missed seeing the guys, and I've sure as hell missed playing with them. One show would be just enough, and it wouldn't require much of a commitment to prepare; maybe a handful of practices a few weeks before. This is sounding like a lot of fun. (All of these thoughts are running through my head as the words are coming out his mouth.)
And then, as I started asking questions, it became apparent that they want to play the show WITHOUT me, then have me get onstage as a guest at the end to play a song with them.
So, I've got to stand there like an asshole through an entire show, watching the band that I started and named play songs that I CO-WROTE (some before two of them were even in the band), and then maybe I get to play a song?
What would you guys do?
I would consider three options:
1. Tell him you won't do it unless you can play a full set.
2. Just get up and sing back-up on a song or two.
3. Tell him thanks, but, um, no thanks (or you, actually).
I think one or three are probably the options I'd take, and seeing as he didn't really invite you, I'd probably say three. What the fuck? Why does he want to play without you? It would be like The Who reuniting and not letting the Ox play. No, wait, he's dead, that's not really applicable. But you know what I mean.
I'm not sure what the (or you, actually) part means in #3. It must have been some subconscious ramblings. I've got to cut out the glue sniffing.
Yeah, I think I'll go with 3. I don't think they're trying to be jackasses, they're just inconsiderate. Bubba and Terrence have never had to think about anybody but themselves, so why should they start now? Rock 'n' roll!
But Kram's another story. As he was clarifying his offer, he indicated that he suddenly realized how incredibly rude it was, so he knows better ...
I'd tell them to enjoy themselves and have a good show.
I'll tell you one thing, I'd be hurt and pissed. If you are, I understand, if you're not, then you're a better man than me (but we knew that). Seriously though, although you weren't there at the end, you are more of a Subteen than anyone else besides Kram. Actually, now I'm hurt and pissed even thinking about it.
Here's what Kram should have done. He should have let you know that the Subteens that broke up (Mark II) were going to do a reunion show in case you wanted to come hang out. That way its clear from the get-go that its not a proper 'Subteens' reunion and he's just asking you to come as someone who is obviously interested in the music and the band. The handling was bumblefuck at best. Plus, why the hell wouldn't he want you to be the guy on the basstar anyway? Grrrr......
No, I'm hurt and pissed. I just needed a public opinion poll to make sure I wasn't overreacting.
Thanks, dudes.
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