Monday, March 05, 2007

Daniel Johnston: Bipolar Music Genius Or Just Bipolar?

A couple of weeks back, we rented The Devil And Daniel Johnston from Netflix (who is not fucking with me nearly as much now that I'm keeping movies for a week at a time). I know you've prolly already seen it, but the film documents the incredibly sad trajectory of outsider artist and musician Daniel Johnston.

I won't bore you with a synopsis, but is Johnston the next Brian Wilson (as many hipsters in the film assert), or is he just a sick dude with some good ideas? I was leaning more toward music genius as I watched the film, but listening to his actual, uninterrupted songs, I'm back on the fence and tipping the other way. He's talented, but Continued Story/Hi, How Are You is as uneven as a Guided by Voices disc. (Rim shot!)

And maybe that's my issue. Bob Pollard is undeniably a music genius (in my mind), but he IS incredibly uneven. Does the fact that Johnston's hit-to-miss ratio is greater discount his ability? Because some of Johnston's songs are REALLY good ("Etiquette," "Poor You," "Desperate Man Blues"), but then some others are laughably bad.

Your comments are (begrudgingly) welcome ...

And Joe, you're welcome - wink, wink.


Joe said...

I think any musician who put out everything he/she wrote and recorded would include quite a few stinkers. Just look at some of the reissues that come out with bonus tracks that didn't make the first cut, or some of the rarities compilations that are, as Uncut would say, for completists only. I know I'll get burned at the stake for this, but I have thought the same about Frank Black from time to time. He could lose a song or two from some of those 25 song albums and they wouldn't be lacking for it.

There's a restaurant right off campus here that has a big mural by DJ (The hi, how are you frog alien) and when a chain moved in, they wanted to paint over it, but there was the expected public outcry, so they sort of framed it in.


And you're welcome right back, Jay (wink wink).

Jay said...

Well, my wink wink involves the FTP.

Joe said...

So does mine. What did you think, I was getting fresh with you?

Jay said...

That's what I initially thought, but I didn't see anything new.

And it wouldn't be the first time, ya prick tease.

Dave said...

I've actually got this in my Netflix queue right now, so I'll probably get it in a month or two. BTW have either of you guys seen The Departed? I finally checked it out Saturday and it is fantastic.

Jay said...

I'm glad you mentioned that, Dave. I'll be adding that flick to my queueueueueue today. Muchos gracias.

And Joe, I agree with your assessment of Frank Black.

Joe said...

I saw the Departed last week. It was excellent. Leonardo Decaprio has really grown on me as an actor. And don't get me started on Alec Baldwin. He just keeps getting better.