Scary math: More homes, fewer buyers
"The problem with subprime lenders means there will be more homes in an over-supplied market and not as many people who can step in to make purchases."
I ran across this article the other day, and heaved another sigh of relief. (That is, in fact, a satellite photo of my old house.)
By zooming in, I can see that you are actually pictured in the backyard ROWYDO. I didn't know you did that literally.
I drove down Holmes the other day, a geographic twilight zone between your old street with its tudor and normandy style houses and those on the other side, which have mostly the modern crack style houses. I was always afraid that was affecting its saleability.
Yeah, I know for a fact that some potential buyers were leery of ... The Duplexes! Hell, I can't really blame them; we were, too.
Others were leery of ROWYCO. (Or ROWYDO, as they say above the Mason-Dixon Line.)
Still others were WHERETHEFUCKISJOE?!
How nice of you to post that, seeing as I've been busting my ass getting my house ready to PUT ON THE FUCKING MARKET. Actually, Austin's market is doing well, and we have the lowest-priced house in the subdivision ("be cool or be cast out"), with comparable houses selling for considerably more than we were planning on asking for.
I give. What is ROWYCO (DO)?
Some markets are actually getting hit much harder than others, and the article is just a Big Picture view.
Okay, ready for the BIG mind fuck? You shouldn't have ANY TROUBLE selling your house, Joe. If I had a quarter for every time I heard that one ...
Good luck, though. At least you won't have two mortgages while you wait. Or will you?
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