Instead of using a laser to cut off the blood supply to the blind spot, they now inject a solution directly into the eye. WITH A NEEDLE.
Of course, they put numbing drops in, but even with that, I could still feel the needle pressing on the surface, and then the give (for lack of a better term) as the needle punctured my eye.
The really weird part is, I could see the solution being injected. It reminded me of the bubbly intro to Pop-Up Video - remember that show?
So my eye is red and achy today, I can't wear contacts, and I go back in a week to see if it worked. The solution only costs $30.00, but the injection costs $900.00. Insurance may or may not cover it, but I think I'm only liable for allowable charges, which I think is the $30.00 part.
And for the next three days, I have to use antibiotic drops that cost $75.00 and burn like Joe's VD. Loverly.
Oh my God. You have my total sympathy, sir. Eyeball troubles must suck something fierce. Of course, this does prove the old adage that if you do 'it' too much, you'll go blind. BTW I almost vomited reading your description of the.....piercing of your eyeball. Ecchh.
Amen to Dave's vomit comment. It made for really nice reading with my scrambled eggs. Reminds me of my dad having to have a needle prod down into this thumb joint for some reason. My dad says, "sounds like that's really going to hurt." To which the medical professional replied, "oh, you betcha!" Better eyeball luck in the future.
Thanks, my fellow bastards.
I just wanted to do it until I needed glasses ...
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