Zack Snyder, director of
300 and the upcoming
Watchmen, has very cleverly embedded an image of Rorschach into the R rated
300 trailer at the 1:52 mark. Maybe the first easter egg in a movie trailer, I dunno.

Wikipedia: "Rorschach is a fictional character, a superhero featured in the acclaimed 1986 DC Comics series Watchmen, arguably the main protagonist of the series. Wearing the inkblot-like mask he considers his true face, Rorschach has continued his one-man battle against crime long after superheroes became both detested and illegal. Rorschach’s actions and journal writings display a belief in objectivism and moral absolutism, where good and evil are clearly defined and evil must be violently punished. He has alienated himself from the rest of society to achieve these aims."
As an interesting bit of trivia, Terry Gilliam was once approached to direct
Watchmen, but he determined that it couldn't be made.
Very cool. Hey, what is TG doing these days? I think I'm the only one who loved Baron Munchausen.
Not sure, but I recently added Lost In La Mancha, the documentary of Gilliam's spectacular Don Quixote crash and burn, to our Netflix queue.
I liked Baron Munchausen, so that's two of us. (I also liked The Fisher King.)
Yeah, Fisher King, back before the amount of Robin Williams in the movies had exceeded the saturation point.
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