Caesar summoned the Senate to meet in Pompeii’s Theater on the Ides of March, (March 15) 44 BC. According to the Greek biographer Plutarch, a few days before, the soothsayer Titus Vestricius Spurinna apparently warned Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March." Caesar disregarded the warning. As the Senate convened, Caesar was attacked and stabbed to death by a group of senators. –Wikipedia
And in 1985, the punk group Thee Mighty Ceasars, fronted by Billy Childish, released their second album entitled “Beware the Ides of March,” which incidentally, was attacked and stabbed to death by a group of music critics.
And I thought this blog was dumbed down. Glad to see there's still room for some real old fashioned book learnin'. Sure won't get it from Jay. Maybe Joe. But never Jay.
Well, I think I blew my load on this one. Plutarch today, nekkid midgit wrestling tomorrow.
Can't we have it both ways?
What if - now, work with me here - what if, the nekkid midgets wrestled in caesar salad dressing? Hunh? Huuunh?
And I do believe the picture from your original post is missing, Mr. Mike. I no see it, anyway ...
Newbie probably has the copyright police at our virtual doorstep. Way to go rookie. Now my collection of copyright protected Archie comic covers I have storehouse here is in jeopardy. Just great.
I think you have to have something like a readership to lure the copyright cops. Best I can tell, only 3 of the 4 of us are even reading this thing. I wonder what happened to Joe?
Joe who? Never heard of him.
One of these days, Dave, you'll say 'Oh, Joe, gosh, I used to blog with him back before anybody had ever heard of him.' One of these days, Dave!
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