Tonight presented me with a moral dilemma. Put yourself in my shoes and make a choice: You’re standing in line at Target, just before closing. It’s that magical time of the night when no retail employee could possibly give a flying flip about anything. As the woman standing in front of you is checking out, you notice that her child is positioned in her basket so that the clerk cannot see a small stack of items in the corner. (At the top of the stack is some kind of electronic Elmo toy, by the way.) She’s settling up with the clerk and now strolling towards the door, the unpaid-for items in the basket.
What Would Los Bastardos Do?
a)Be a corporate tattle-tale and hope they don't take the young mother to jail and child to foster care?
b)Be a moral coward and do nothing whatsoever, allowing shoplifting to raise prices for the honest?
c)Utilize her clever method in the future for your own small but pricey purchases?
Give me your answer and I’ll tell what I did (or did not) do. Oh, and you have no more than 1 minute to decide.
Was she hot?
Not particularly. Good question, bonus points for Joe.
This is a tough one. I probably would have said kind of loudly to the mom, "Hey you missed some stuff" and then let the clerk deal with it. When the mom gave me a withering stare I would have said something along the lines of not wanting her to get hassled when the alarms went off at the front of the store. For real.
Was she big, mean looking, a racial minority, or all of the above?
I'd have to go with b. Shoplifters of the world unite.
Me too. If it's evening, I probably can't give a flying flip, either. Sad but true.
So, what did YOU do, Mr. Lurker?
I actually took the moral lowground, watching with detached amusement to see if she would get by the sensors. But she turned and saw me watching, and so picked up her child and walked out, leaving the items in the basket. So truth, justice and the american way were served and I didn't have to do anything. That's what we call a win-win right there. But I realized that theft of personal property is infuriating, but shoplifting is amusing. Maybe this is why I wasn't given a single superhero power.
What about your amazing powers of observation?
I completely overlooked that one.
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