Monday, April 30, 2007
Nothing much, how about you?

Life Events,
Road Trips,
Stuff Jay won't Get
Nice Boys

It's up.
Interesting R.E.M. Blog

lesser blogs,
Lists of things,
Music: Rock and Roll,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My View From The Stage

Good turn-out last night! I had more fun than should be legally allowed, and I got to talk to people that I haven't seen in years.
Kram's roommate recorded it all live to two track, and I'm working on obtaining a copy. He played a little for me off his laptop las night, and the sound quality is crystal clear.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Subteens Rock Again

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Halpert as Schrute
I know there are some Office fans here and the above clip is the cold intro for tonight's episode, "Product Recall". The writing and performances on this show continue to amaze me. Although some have complained that this season has stalled a little, I tend to disagree. The Office is one of the few comedies that consistently rewards repeated viewings and continues to be funny each time. If you are not a fan yet, by all means pick up Seasons 1 and 2 at the vid store or Netflix and revel in the awkward glory.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Beautiful Chicago!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
George W. Jedi
YouTube is revolutionizing how Americans waste their time. There are lots of great Robot Chicken shorts out there these days from Adult Swim, most of which are worth 4 minutes of what's left of your life.
Because We Support Our Troops
All right girls, I'm not going to go into any detail about what you are going to see here. Just know that overall it is NSFW. I hope you experience the same range of emotions from incredulity to hilarity that I did. Make sure you listen to all the words, all the way through. Eat this Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith!
We Missed Nick Lowe's Birthday...
but it was exactly one month ago today, so I don't think it's too late to make it Nick Lowe Day here at LBU.
Bands I secretly like,
Music: Rock and Roll,
Monday, April 23, 2007
Even CEO Can't Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business

Funny at The Onion.
"Even the name 'RadioShack'—can you imagine two less appealing words placed next to one another?" Day said. "What is that, some kind of World War II terminology? Are ham radio operators still around, even? Aren't we in the digital age?"
Big Thought Malaise

Okay, I'm only half-kidding.
Kram and I sat down with Chris Davis (The Memphis Flyer) yesterday, and I must say, I sounded like a fucking moron. It's one of my insecurities, but I HATE talking about myself under any circumstances. I especially hate talking about myself to a local paper. Does anyone honestly care? Even as the words were coming out of my mouth, my brain was screaming, "No, you idiot! You're removing all doubt!"
It beggars (buggers?) belief that anyone still gives a shit about this train wreck of a band, and it's a tad humiliating as I draw a bead on 40 that my one great achievement (besides producing my children) was getting drunk and jumping around a filthy stage like an epileptic monkey. Interviews just bring that into focus, especially as that's all we end up talking about.
I'm having a great time catching up with Kram - now that he's Kram again - and relearning the songs has been a fun challenge, but this experience is reminding me of why I quit in the first place. Now I just want to hang around the house and play with my kids. What emotional deficiency made me feel the need to perform in front of others in the first place? It wasn't all about showing off for girls, was it?
How the times have changed,
Stuff Jay won't Get
Brush with Celebrity
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Of Interest ......

"Set in the years between the meteoric launches of Madonna and Courtney Love, Petal Pusher takes readers on a stirring journey across rock and roll, from the big-haired 1980s to the grunge-filled 1990s, when Laurie Lindeen brought her all-girl band, Zuzu's Petals, to compete in the indie rock arena. Minneapolis in the eighties was a musical hotbed, the land of 10,000 lakes and 10,000 bands that gave birth to Prince, the Replacements, and Soul Asylum. For Laurie Lindeen it was the perfect place to launch her rock-and-roll dream. She moved to the city with her best friends Phyll ("Annie Oakley meets Patsy Cline") and Coleen ("former cheerleader gone off the arty deep end") to crash in decrepit apartments and coax punk rock from crappy used guitars. But unbeknownst to her friends, Laurie has a secret in her past -- a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis that fuels her passion to make it big on the local, national, and international rock scene. With inspiring determination, Laurie and her Zuzu's Petals survive the many challenges of being underdogs in a man's world. Then Laurie is thrown a curveball when she falls for Paul Westerberg of Replacements fame and reevaluates exactly what it means to "make it big." By turns hilarious and heartrending, Petal Pusher is a brilliant behind-the-scenes look at music on the front lines, and the awe-inspiring tale of one woman's fight against disease and the disillusionment of life in the rock underground".
Could be a nice read for fans of rock and roll, the Minneapolis scene, and Paul Westerberg. I think we have some of those here.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Why Yes, This Will Kick Ass! Why Do You Ask?

Feel free to visit the official site, or check out the interview with Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, and Edgar Wright over to The Onion's A.V. Club.
In the Hands of Such a Lot of Fools
I love this video. Elvis starts out with 'Less Than Zero,' but then goes into a scorching 'Radio Radio,' which he was evidently told not to play. Back when SNL was something you might actually want to watch.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Cool Anime From Korea
Clip from a AACHI AND SSIPAK, currently unavailable in the States. Legally, I mean.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Couldn't they have named it Pan or Apollo?

Friday, April 13, 2007
My son broke his arm a little while ago, playing superhero at school. His teacher told me that she watched in disbelief as he jumped from the top of the slide.
I'll keep you posted ...
I'll keep you posted ...
The Sound Of A Man Breaking Down

Dylan 303 - Follow The Prophet

Continuing Mike Lurker's education of Dylan's later works, I suggest Desire, Planet Waves, and Street Legal.
Desire - "Hurricane," "Sara," "One More Cup of Coffee," lots of violin, and the album which was around the time of the Rolling Thunder Revue. I also really like "Joey" and "Isis"
She said, "Where ya been?" I said, "No place special."
She said, "You look different." I said, "Well, not quite."
She said, "You been gone." I said, "That's only natural."
She said, "You gonna stay?" I said, "If you want me to, Yes."
Planet Waves - With the Band, "Tough Mama" is the last song I want to hear before I die.
Street Legal - the chorus of black girls on almost every song gets a bit tiresome, but worth it for "Where Are You Tonight?" and "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)".
Listen to these after you've memorized "Visions of Johanna" and can explain why the ghost of electricity howls in the bones of her face.
Speaking Of Dan Zanes
Speaking of Dan Zanes, I have a huge crush on Barbara Brousal, the guitar player in his kiddie band. Whenever those videos pop-up on the Disney Channel, I'm glued. (She's in the red dress, playing mandolin in this video.)
He Called Me

I've been going crazy with getting the house ready to go on the market (everybody says it'll sell in no time, Jay, so I'm not nervous at all) and working on my dissertation.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Geek Out!

By all accounts, Iron Man will be approximately 39.4842 times better than both Fantastic Four movies combined. (Statisticians ... go figure!) Did y'all know that Jon Favreau is directing and Robert Downey, Jr. is Tony Stark?
May 2008 release!
Because Lurker Mike has apparently taken some 'compromsing' photos of Jay.....
... I offer this PSA. For real. I guess we've given up preaching abstinence from drugs and supporting literacy in our PSAs. Now we have to tell teenagers not to show their boobies on the internets. My only complaint is that the PSA shows a photo so innocent it could be a senior picture!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
This Is Interesting ...

Nine Inch Nails became a guilty pleasure of mine after 2005's With Teeth. I take solace in the fact that long-time NIN fans HATE the new, more accessible stuff. Although Year Zero won't be released in the States until the 17th, an extremely complex, alternate reality game has been underway since February 12th. (And yes, Year Zero is a concept album, following the logical progression of the world as it is, 15 years into the future.)
The game has absolutely nothing to do with rock 'n' roll, but it sure as hell is an interesting cross promotional device, scheduled to continue for another three years. If you have some time, you have got to check out this elaborate "campaign" and the bizarre manner in which clues are planted and discovered.
Sheesh, when we were kids, all we could do is sit and stare at the album cover ...
Good News, Bad News

Planet Terror, Rodriguez's contribution, is a zombie movie with the schlocky works - laughably bad dialog, odd plot twists, melting zombies, exploding heads ... all the stuff that we loved these movies for as teenagers. And because he shot on video, he could add lots of digital scratches and what-not to the "film," adding to the fun.
Now, maybe it's the Pabst Blue Ribbon talking, but Tarantino's movie, instead of being a loving homage to 70's and early 80's grindhouse theater, just comes across as a Tarantino movie. A solid 80% of Death Proof is spent talking about nothing. Remember how cool it was in Reservoir Dogs, when the guys sat around the table in the diner talking about Madonna and tipping and everything in-between? It was cool then. It was cool in Pulp Fiction (Royale with cheese!) and it was even cool in Kill Bill, but here it's just ... tiresome and boring, especially as it follows the movie that got it right. The big car chase at the end helps, I guess, but that's it? Something else that bothered me was how Tarantino again managed to work in the stereotypical black character. Instead of Sam Jackson, it's Tracie Thoms this time.
Between movies, there are some trailers for coming attractions. Two in particular to watch for are Don't and Thanksgiving. Oh, and the trailer that kicks the whole thing off, Machete, is better than Tarantino's whole movie.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Latest Media Pawns

My first thought at the Don Imus controversy was, "Thank God something sufficiently newsworthy has come along to shove Anna Nicole off the front page!" Nevermind about a depressing war and the advancing nuclear weapons capability of some of our third-world enemies, a DJ has said something ugly about someone! Al Sharpton's involved? Sweet! But now that the insulted Rutger's team has agreed to meet with Imus to "express their great hurt," it's starting to depress me. I think they're being manipulated by the interests at work in the situation. It's all fine when it's a couple of sparring media clowns, but now they're trying to cast real people in key roles and I don't think anyone has bothered to tell them it's just theater.
Who's Your Drummer?

Lists of things,
Music: Rock and Roll,
time waster
Monday, April 09, 2007
Heartrending story from my weekend

Fall from grace,
Feel the Pharmacists...?

They had a band called 'Manejo Beto' open for them, a Tejano punk band, more or less. Their CD doesn't do their live show justice at all, but is fun for a listen. They came across a lot better with a head full of beer and a lot of cute girls dancing. That's the way it goes, I guess. It's up too.
Finally, there's 'Flies on Sherbert.' You can see why AC produced the Cramps around this time. Also by Dickinson and also up.
And Mike Lurker, your Dylan 101 begins with 'Blonde on Blonde' and 'Blood on the Tracks.' The two, if not best, at least most important / accessible of the post folk stuff. And my hippy friend loaned me some old hip hop stuff, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy and The Beatnigs, both of which involved Michael Franti.
Happy Monday, Bastards!
Sopranos! Sopranos! Sopranos!

The first of the last nine episodes of the sixth and final season (!) of the Sopranos aired last night. One quick phone call on Friday afternoon and we were back in the HBO saddle. Man, I had forgotten how much I love this show, and the way all the pieces are being positioned, it seems like we're heading for a humdinger of a finale. Anybody else catch it?
(By the way, A&E's version of the show is like watching your favorite R rated movie on NBC: it sucks.)
Here's a summary of the episode, in case you're interested.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Arrogance, Incompetence, Cynicism

TIME hits the bullseye with this short article.
When Bush came to office--installed by the Supreme Court after receiving fewer votes than Al Gore--I speculated that the new President would have to govern in a bipartisan manner to be successful. He chose the opposite path, and his hyper-partisanship has proved to be a travesty of governance and a comprehensive failure.
Okay, Now I'm Playing The Show

Bubba called me on Wednesday afternoon. After catching up for a bit, he asked me what I thought about the reunion show. Long story short, I explained what went down with Kram and that I had no interest in WATCHING a show. Apparently, that was never his intention, and Terrence had already offered to play guitar for the entire show so I could play bass. Both of those guys feel that I'm more of a Subteen than they are, and whatever level of participation I want is fine with them.
So why would Kram do that? Am I being punished for quitting?
Anyway, later that evening, Michael Donahue interviewed us for a big article in the CA that'll run before the show. He asked how I found out about the reunion, and I said, "Mark called and asked me if I wanted to come watch a show."
The totally shitfreaking part of all of this is that people still talk about the band. The guys on Rock 103's afternoon show play our songs in regular rotation and lament the fact that the Subteens are gone. And, according to Donahue, Craig Brewer mentioned us at the premiere of Black Snake Moan. Seriously, what the fuck?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I Told You All Brits Were Geniuses

Check it.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Thought for the Day, provided by Mr. Keith Richards
But Is It Perfect?

Anyway, I was going through their website and looked at the Who's bio. It calls Who's Next "a flawless album of discreet numbers." So I came home and listened to it, and I would have to say that yes, it is flawless. Perfect, even.
So what are the other flawless albums? I can't even include 'Blonde on Blonde' because it's got "Rainy Day Women" which for me is kind of a mole on the album. Right now, all I can come up with is:
"Tonight's The Night" by Neil Young and Crazy Horse.
"Sticky Fingers" by some band I can't remember the name of.
"The Clash" by The Clash.
What else?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
An Invitation

The Rules of Remakes

OK, favorite remakes? These come to mind:
1. Mad World-Gary Jules
2. Bastards of Young-Jesse Malin
3. Lady-The Dan Band
From William Shatner's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds to Richard Cheese's Enter Sandman, talentless hacks are always going to be out there ruining perfectly good songs. Some remakes are poorly done, but some seem to border on sacrilege. I wonder if we could identify the elements of awful remakes, for the future of mankind, offer guidelines for making acceptable remakes. Any ideas, you musicians?
Jarvis Cocker Seems Cool

It was just a question that had been on my mind a lot at that particular time, because there seems to be a contradiction in the fact that there's more music around and more channels or downloading music or more channels on TV, and yet at the same time, in some ways it doesn't seem to be as vital as it once was. It seems to be just another entertainment option or lifestyle enhancement aid or something. And it's something that I've been thinking about.
And when you're done with the article, you can listen to his entire solo album from Spinner. I haven't made it all the way through, but anybody who writes a song whose full tile is "Cunts Are Still Running The World" is okay with me.
And Now ... Your Most Embarrassing Five

Here's mine (gulp):
1) The Bee Gees - Their Greatest Hits
2) Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
3) The Outfield - Play Deep
4) KISS - Destroyer, Rock And Roll Over, Love Gun
5) Green Day - Dookie
You guys still like me, right? Heh heh. Right?
Monday, April 02, 2007
Continuing With the Gay Theme
Pope John Paul II Miraculously Transforms Hanky into Dove

Maybe next they can investigate the connection between the groundhog seeing his shadow and the coming of Spring, although I don't think there's ever been a rodent elevated to sainthood. (no offense, those of you with Catholic wives!)
Jokes Over ... I'm Getting A Headache
Keep on Rockin' in the Pink World!
The Book of Ratings

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