Nine Inch Nails became a guilty pleasure of mine after 2005's With Teeth. I take solace in the fact that long-time NIN fans HATE the new, more accessible stuff. Although Year Zero won't be released in the States until the 17th, an extremely complex, alternate reality game has been underway since February 12th. (And yes, Year Zero is a concept album, following the logical progression of the world as it is, 15 years into the future.)
The game has absolutely nothing to do with rock 'n' roll, but it sure as hell is an interesting cross promotional device, scheduled to continue for another three years. If you have some time, you have got to check out this elaborate "campaign" and the bizarre manner in which clues are planted and discovered.
Sheesh, when we were kids, all we could do is sit and stare at the album cover ...
NIN is one of those acts that always interested me greatly, but that I never explored. Reznor used to be my neighbor (but never my close personal friend, unlike, say Billy F. Gibbons or President Clinton). I'd definitely check this out.
Wow, nerdsville! I'm not a fan, but it's a great idea. Have you seen the game, Jay?
You have to follow all the links and call the phone numbers in that Wikipedia article. The alternate reality game genre is a relatively new phenomenon, and usually free to play. Well, they don't cost money, but I'll bet they eat up an assload of time.
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