Some geeks who know more about music than Greek mythology have started the Pandora music service. It breaks down the essential characteristics of a song or artist into what they call genes and plays you songs with matching traits. You put in an artist you like to create a station, then give their song suggestions thumbs up or down for how well they match your taste. I issued it some major challenges yesterday, creating stations for Smoking Popes, Tom Waits, Anthony & the J.s and a "Sufjan Costello" station (your can use multiple artists for it to consider). On the up side, they served up some stuff I'd have been very unlikely to find through other sources, sometimes a single track from an artist you wouldn't associate with the musical type you selected. On the down side, they must have a lot of categorizing still to do, the play lists tended to be very repetitive. Also on the down side, if the service's name bears out, the product will unleash all manner of suffering and misery into the world. Probably worth it though, if the music is strong enough.
www.pandora.com Joe: They're hiring! However, there's this deflating statement in the job description: "No musical experience necessary." Also, under job requirements: "White fur coat." Doh!
I'll definitely check this out. Still, it also irks me that web designers/developers are not better versed in classical knowledge. I'm looking at you, Hines.
I like Pandora, but was having connection issues with it awhile back, so quit using it. I'll need to give it a try again. I made an Archies station and it was all good.
Hey! I know who Mozart was. (They made that movie back in the mid 80's.)
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