My first thought at the Don Imus controversy was, "Thank God something sufficiently newsworthy has come along to shove Anna Nicole off the front page!" Nevermind about a depressing war and the advancing nuclear weapons capability of some of our third-world enemies, a DJ has said something ugly about someone! Al Sharpton's involved? Sweet! But now that the insulted Rutger's team has agreed to meet with Imus to "express their great hurt," it's starting to depress me. I think they're being manipulated by the interests at work in the situation. It's all fine when it's a couple of sparring media clowns, but now they're trying to cast real people in key roles and I don't think anyone has bothered to tell them it's just theater.
There's no question in my mind that if no one said or did anything racially insensitive again, Al Sharpton would soon be applying for every reality TV show pilot on the planet. (I always picture him sitting anxiously by his Batphone, waiting to be called into action because someone was offended.)
Was it wrong for Imus to say what he said? Absolutely.
Is it wrong for Al Sharpton to use this incident for his own political gain? Absolutely.
No weigh-in from the other bastards on this one, hunh? Surprising ...
I don't really know much about it. I heard about the players' press conference on NPR yesterday. I don't know why anyone listens to those blowhards anyway (the Imuses, not NPR).
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