In case you haven't been paying attention, the effort to make PJP II a saint is picking up steam. But finding verifiable miracles in this skeptical age can be a sticky wicket. This from the actual news article: "The Vatican's complicated saint-making procedures require that a miracle attributed to the candidate's intercession be confirmed before beatification. A second miracle after beatification is necessary for canonization. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints will appoint medical experts to determine if there are medical explanations for the nun's recovery. Theologians will then determine if the cure came as a result of prayer to John Paul."
http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/17012426.htmMaybe next they can investigate the connection between the groundhog seeing his shadow and the coming of Spring, although I don't think there's ever been a rodent elevated to sainthood. (no offense, those of you with Catholic wives!)
It's common knowledge that he cured a ham.
Actually, he started this blog.
I'm catholic. I'm gonna keep to myself on this one.
Other than this...
Do you remember when JPII became Pope and the big funny on him was that he was Polish. Remember Polish Jokes. The joke then was that his first miracle was that he made a blind man deaf. Man, that seemed funny at the time.
But really. Virgin birth, raised from the dead, bread to body...pope cures Parkinson's. It's kind of a chain of belief.
(rim shot)
Sorry. That should be I'm Catholic.
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