Bubba called me on Wednesday afternoon. After catching up for a bit, he asked me what I thought about the reunion show. Long story short, I explained what went down with Kram and that I had no interest in WATCHING a show. Apparently, that was never his intention, and Terrence had already offered to play guitar for the entire show so I could play bass. Both of those guys feel that I'm more of a Subteen than they are, and whatever level of participation I want is fine with them.
So why would Kram do that? Am I being punished for quitting?
Anyway, later that evening, Michael Donahue interviewed us for a big article in the CA that'll run before the show. He asked how I found out about the reunion, and I said, "Mark called and asked me if I wanted to come watch a show."
The totally shitfreaking part of all of this is that people still talk about the band. The guys on Rock 103's afternoon show play our songs in regular rotation and lament the fact that the Subteens are gone. And, according to Donahue, Craig Brewer mentioned us at the premiere of Black Snake Moan. Seriously, what the fuck?
Man, people appreciate the honesty and dedication that comes through in sucking that hard for that long.
Ha ha. Seriously, when is it? I'm coming.
April 28th!
I'm working on a flyer idea based on a B-movie poster that says something like "Too Stupid To Live! Too Stubborn To Die!"
That's cool about the late-coming notoriety. Never saw any of those bastards at the shows, though, so don't be confusing those talking heads with the TRUE fans who bought both t-shirts and even Subteens CDs for xmas presents!
Wouldn't you know it? I'll be out of town on the 28th. Fuckawamba.
Analysis: Awesome. Can this be recorded digitally for Free Total Synopis?
Mmmmmmaybe ...
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