First official image of Iron Man, presumably early in the movie when he's escaping the prison camp. Pretty damn true to the original, I might add.
By all accounts, Iron Man will be approximately 39.4842 times better than both Fantastic Four movies combined. (Statisticians ... go figure!) Did y'all know that Jon Favreau is directing and Robert Downey, Jr. is Tony Stark?
I knew it too, Jay. I used to read Iron Man back in the day that they were breaking real comic book ground by having his character battle alcoholism.
Man do I wish I still had my comic books. I was looking at a few of the issues I used to have at a comic shop recently and I'd guess my collection would probably be worth 20-30 grand these days. I think I sold it in college to make rent, just like I did all my vinyl. Any time I get too upset, I think about karma: I shoplifted a large part of my collection!
I'm excited about this. Favreau's a good director and I think Downey is an amazing actor, plus, he looks like Tony Stark and will obviously be able to play 'fucked up'.
The guy from Swingers? That's weird. I hope you're right about it being exponentially better than FF.
This is the first I've heard of it. Jay, did you really know the guy's name was Tony Stark, or did you look that one up?
Sadly, I knew it.
I knew it too, Jay. I used to read Iron Man back in the day that they were breaking real comic book ground by having his character battle alcoholism.
Man do I wish I still had my comic books. I was looking at a few of the issues I used to have at a comic shop recently and I'd guess my collection would probably be worth 20-30 grand these days. I think I sold it in college to make rent, just like I did all my vinyl. Any time I get too upset, I think about karma: I shoplifted a large part of my collection!
I'm excited about this. Favreau's a good director and I think Downey is an amazing actor, plus, he looks like Tony Stark and will obviously be able to play 'fucked up'.
I've still got a box of comics that I can't bring myself to get rid of - mostly X-Men and FF, but lots of other cool stuff.
Favreau is going to great lengths not to fuck this up, even asking for feedback from the fanboys on his blog.
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