Monday, April 23, 2007

Brush with Celebrity

I went to a trendy Austin restaurant because a friend came in town to visit. We were waiting in the bar for a table, and Willem Dafoe came in. He's really short, and had no movie star babe with him. He didn't have to wait for a table, either.


Mike said...

The guy certainly looks more Austin than Hollywood. Short, that's what I though when I saw Henry Winkler at the airport once.

Dave said...

Awesome. I really like him as an actor. I once sat down the bar from Harry Dean Stanton at my fave watering hole in New Orleans (Pal's Lounge). People know he's a professional drinker so they just let him alone. He looked like hell though.

Jay said...

That's funny, we watched Spiderman on TBS last night. He was great in that! When you say short, are we talking 5' 10" short or more like 5' 6" short?

Joe said...

I would say he was about 5'8 or so. I think I was surprised by how little he was. Small-framed, you kinow.