I'm pretty excited about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and it's shaping up to be a monster blockbuster this summer. Anyway, while looking around today, I stumbled onto this enlightening Wikipedia article.
Here's the part that got my attention:
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a 1984 adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. Released on May 23, 1984, it is a prequel to the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark.Prequel? This is like finding out that there's no Santa Claus, or that your sister is really your mother, or that Joe is actually heterosexual.
Where the fuck have I been, and did anybody else know this movie was a prequel?!
I'm not buying it! Was there 1 thing in Temple to indicate it was a prequel?
As the weakest link of the 3, it's been ages since I saw Temple of Doom, but I'd have to see some hard evidence to believe this one.
People almost as nerdy as Jay attempt to answer the question here:
Personally, I never saw it. Actually, I never saw any after the first one. Again, I had girlfriends in high school.
Prequal my ass!
According to the nerd link Joe found, the movie is in fact a prequel, as it begins with the words "Shanghai, 1935."
I'll be damned ...
The dream is over.
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