Saturday, January 26, 2008

Genre Busters Gone Wrong

You know the story. Artist's career starts to flag, so artist either does reality TV or jumps on a hot musical bandwagon. The excellent new site PopDose has a funny exploration of this phenomenon over time, which is how I came upon the above video of Alice #$%^ing Cooper going 'New Wave' back in 1980. Absolutely hilarious. Other genre-busting experiments by Ethel Merman, the Scorpions, Ron Keel, and others can be found here.

By the way, PopDose offers up lots of mp3s and has a bunch of great content, especially for smirking pop-culture bastards. Bookmark it.


Mike said...

Ouch! You know AC's hoping that one will be forgotten. I was too embarrassed for him to watch the whole thing!

Jay said...

But as Gary Numan songs go, it was pretty damned good.

Joe said...

My God, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I remember Kiss doing 'World Without Heroes' on SNL and thinking that they had pretty much gone as far as they could go.