Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sean's Wife Steps In It

For those who can't watch the video, Sean's wife appeared on Fox the other day, discussing Mass Effect, a role-playing game on Xbox 360. She made some disparaging remarks about the game and its harmfulness to adolescents, also admitting that she had never played it herself.


In retaliation, fans of the game have bombarded Amazon with negative reviews of her book, The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace with Your Inner Overachiever. To give you an idea of the shitstorm she ignited, yesterday morning there were 55 reviews as the smear campaign was ramping up. This morning? 491 and counting. They've even taken to uploading not-very-nice alternate photos of the book, and creating a discussion of the book titled "Cooper Lawrence Is A Stupid Bitch."

I predict Amazon will reset her reviews soon, so you should check it out today.


Joe said...

Brutal. God, just look at the tags -- hack is about the nicest one up there.

What I don't understand is why she would write a book "FILLED WITH LEWD PICTURES OF GOATS AND CHILDREN FORNICATING... TOGETHER!!"

Joe said...

I wonder if it's true that "no publicity is bad publicity"

Joe said...

Did she really call him Darling? Is it lost on them that the game is rated 'M'?

Dave said...

Ouch. In the old days before the internets, few would have seen this and fewer would have cared. XBox will probably declare a fatwa.

Dave said...

I do find it ridiculous that people would get so indignant over someone's comments on a video game. I forgave Tipper Gore for her ignorance of rock music, because she was an unworthy opponent.

Jay said...

I agree, Dave. Cooper didn't say that the game caused homosexuality or anything. Lighten the fuck up.

Joe said...

Yes, but Dave, you're a musician, and musicians are by nature cool. Gamers on the other hand...well, look at Jay.

Jay said...


Mike said...

The reviews of her book are a riot! And look how many people found them helpful! If you agree to pose like that for the cover of your book, you deserve everything you get.