Thursday, January 31, 2008

Boooooooring . . .

Driving through Baton Rouge earlier this month, I saw this intriguing sign (my cell phone photo, followed by one from the paper):

Obvious question: did someone really have the balls to put up a billboard like this if the contents were contraband of some kind? Turns out, to my disgust, that the missing box contains student loan records lost by a document retention company. As I have long suspected, truth is not actually stranger than fiction.


Joe said...

I wonder if a few thousand social security numbers and other financial information is worth more than $10,000 on the black market.

Jay said...

Ooh. Considerably more, I would think.

Dave said...

If this were fiction, the case would have contained:

1) a live, beating heart
2) Joe's dignity
3) Jay's shame
4) Britney Spears' medication