Monday, December 17, 2007

Who Watches The Watchmen?

As you may or may not remember, I got a little excited back in March about the news that Zack Snyder would be directing Watchmen. Here's a photo from the set apparently showing Rorschach strolling past a Nixon campaign poster. (Click photo to enlarge your member.) Great care is being taken to duplicate the look and feel of the graphic novel, set primarily in a 1985 that has been altered by events that I won't divulge. I can't decide if my inner 12 year old is more excited about this movie or Iron Man.

Here's the official Watchman website with a few other goodies. Enjoy or don't.


Mike said...

My copy of Watchmen is on the way. Merry Xmas to me.

Jay said...

You WILL love it. It's one of Time's all-time 100 greatest novels, should you require the praise of a more authoritative critic than myself.

Joe said...

I actually read this back in the day. Was it really that long ago? Late 80s, maybe?

Jay said...

19 and 86, I believe.