Did you heathens know that in the holy book of
Isiah, somewhere in Chapter
35, there is a reference to a "highway of holiness?" Did you also know that there's an
35 in the United States, traveling from the holy city of New Laredo, through Austin (Willie), Dallas (near where JFK was shot), Oklahoma City (need I remind you), and Minneapolis (falling bridge)? Start
prayin', boys. And if you can watch this
freak for more than 8 seconds, you're a better Christian than I.
Fucking Christ, my gag reflex is too sensitive to go even 8 seconds. And I live among such people! The horror, the horror.
It's just ... sad when moderately bright Americans interpret coincidence as the Word of God.
Kinda like seeing Mary on a potato chip or waffle. Don't you think if God really wanted to tell us something, He'd be a little less cryptic about it?
Of course, if this bitch is right, there goes your internet porn, Joe.
What do you think I'm praying about, Jay? And isn't it spelled p-r-o-n?
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I was out prayer-driving. I think that's where Andrew is too.
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