Thursday, December 13, 2007

Revisionist History

In light of Neil Diamond’s disturbing (and preposterous) recent suggestion that he wrote Sweet Caroline after seeing a photo of the then-nine-year old Caroline Kennedy, I thought it wise to remind us all of the true origins of that masterpiece.


Dave said...

I wondered what Neil was smoking when he said that. After all, lyrics like "Warm, touching warm" are pretty icky in context. If he had simply said he was inspired to write a song with the name Caroline or something like that, it wouldn't have been so bad. Thank God Will Ferrell has cleared it up.

Jay said...

"This next song I wrote after I killed a drifter to get an erection."


Andrew said...

Yup. If you are going to confess to writing a song after seeing a little girl with a pony, that song had better be about the pony!