Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's Good!

Anybody else see it? Roger Ebert sums it up best:
I can say that if you liked the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one, and that if you did not, there is no talking to you.
Fuck the haters, it's solid.


Dave said...

I did see it, and I did enjoy it. Not as much as Iron Man, but I thought it was a worthy addition to the series. Fun, far-fetched and lots of great action. The plot? What the hell??

Mike said...

You're both smoking crack. Yet another Lucas/Spielberg $equal obsessed with connecting to a previous film to the detriment of the one you're watching. Also, I find ridiculous stunts/effects distracting, no matter how well executed. I guess the thing works for mindless summer fun, but if you want something more satisfying...see Iron Man!

Jay said...

You haven't seen it yet, have you?

Joe said...


Jay said...

This movie seems to be, even among the critics, something of a Rorschach test. Interesting.