Tuesday, July 24, 2007

You know what's great about Atlanta?

Nothing! What a boring ass, piece of shit town. Downtown blows, the bars and restaurants are far and few between, there are cops all over the place (never a good sign!) and the people are fat and dull. Homer, Alaska had far more action than this sorry excuse for a Metropolis. And if I see one more street called 'Peachtree' I'll crap myself. And oh yeah, Michael Vick, dog-torturer. Yecchh.


Mike said...

I believe ATL has the distinction of being the only city in N. America to have been destroyed by fire as an act of war. Sounds like maybe Sherman knew what he was doing.

Joe said...

A-fuckin-men. When I was at FSU, everyone wanted to go to graduate when they went to Atlanta. I hate that town. You have to get on 5 interstates and drive for an hour to wipe your ass. Little five points is the only part that's close to bringing the city some redemption, but I think that's now gentrified.

Jay said...

I LOVE Atlanta!