Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Used To Love This Show


Dave said...

Me too. That split screen at the end of he credits was my favorite. But how did Lou Ferigno get third credit after the reporter????

Mike said...

And me. I remember getting to stay up late to watch the pilot. Never got why he went by David instead of Bruce.

Joe said...

Yeah, I used to catch every episode. Did you notice he lost it changing his tire. Man, I'd hate to see if he had to change the oil on an old VW. He'd throw that thing to Kansas. Maybe it had one of those little donut spares. Those piss me off too.

Remember the Mad send-up? The incredible Bulk. "I don't like you when you're happy, Bummer."

Jay said...

I think the suits must have decided Bruce wasn't masculine enough.

And my guess is Ferrigno got third billing because he was the new guy.