Kara and the kids have left me alone here at my mother's house in Florida (see above) to get some work done on my dissertation. I basically have nine days of sitting out looking at the water and WORKING, with no valid excuse to not get this fucking thing almost done. I'll be unhooking the internets from the computer to lessen the distractions, but I'll check in later in the week.
Still nothing on the job front. The Uni in Jax has said they will start contacting people for interviews somewhere around the 19th of this month. It's a bit nerve-wracking. Kara's getting seriously anxious (there's the matter of getting a house and the kids in school and all that - details details), and it's keeping me awake at night. But what can you do. Don't know what's going on with Barbados.
Unemployment isn't half bad, especially when you've got lots of relatives with houses around Florida. I haven't worn shoes since June 15th. And I've basically been on a bender since around the 17th.
ps - we went out on my father-in-law's boat with the kids to watch fireworks. Right as the grand finale started, something went wrong and the whole thing went off on the beach. It was fucking amazing. We were about 200 yards away in a boat. It was scary, but it only lasted about 5 seconds. Watch!
That fireworks stuff was freaky! I hope nobody got hurt. I assume they are launched remotely- hopefully.
Do not despair, young Joe! Recent events have shown me that things tend to fall into place, even if it isn't on the timeline you desire. You have mad skillz and those will translate to lucrative and sustainable employment- I have no doubt.
Next time I'm homeless and unemployed, I'm talking to Dave! Sorry the stress is keeping you awake, but Dave's right, these things do tend to work themselves out. Nice having some family support handy, and for what it's worth, if you want to bring the fam to Memphis, you can stay with Jay for as long as you like.
If the whole selling-the-house-fiasco taught me anything, it's that everything works out eventually.
Regarding the Memphis visit, I'm afraid that if you came to stay with us I'd made you wear shoes and increase your alcohol intake.
Regardless, hang in there and good luck knocking out a large chunk of the dissy. Don't let any residual guilt from my resentment of your total disinterest in the blog slow you down, either. 'Cause that would just be silly.
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