Monday, July 09, 2007

Lonely And Lame, Bush Agonises Over Legacy

From Guardian Unlimited:

With little positive to show from six years in office, Mr Bush has been talking up his transformation of the supreme court as his legacy. He has given it a strong rightwing bias, demonstrated by rulings on abortion, employment discrimination and rejection of death penalty appeals. That will please Republicans, at least.

But Prof Dallek remains unimpressed. Rating the worst presidents, he said: "Hoover was a disaster. Warren Harding rates very low in the pantheon of presidents and it is likely that Bush will be seen as a bottom feeder."

Read the whole enchilada here.


Mike said...

The thing that still makes me want to give up on this country and go start a new one is that he was re-elected.

Jay said...

Yeah, it took me a long time to realize how gullible much of this country is.

And willfully ignorant.

I work with people who have no idea who Scooter Libby is - and don't want to know - but they can tell me who won American Idol for the last four seasons.