Sunday, July 29, 2007

Crack! D'oh! Stupefy!

I have been an entertainment machine this weekend. Thursday, we went to a Durham Bulls game. Great fun, great ballpark, sad game! The Bulls were up, 1-0, when, in the top of the ninth, the Norfolk Tide had a series of hits that led to a 4-1 final. Rats. Friday = Simpsons Movie! I enjoyed the movie, with the first 30 minutes yielding by far the most laughs. Still, lots of rewards for long time fans, but not nearly enough of Mr. Burns. Saturday, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I finished the latest book while I was in Fucklanta last week, so I am very Potter-centric right now. The film, as all of them are, was enjoyable, but nothing will be able to compare to the first couple of films, because the corresponding books were so full of whimsy. The later books are more complex and interesting, but as films feel more like placemarkers for the final installment. This is what passes for culture in Durham these days.


Mike said...

Great subject line! I did the double dose of HP, too, watched Order of Phoenix, AZ on vacation (my fav of the HP films) and read the book like a dork in about 3 days. Good stuff, looking forward to the Simpsons' movie.

Jay said...

I've never given HP a chance. I read about 30 pages of the first book and put it down, but I've never seen any of the movies.

The Simpsons, though ...