Monday, July 30, 2007

Successful Deathmatch Test

Lurker and I successfully tested the listen server last week, and we're ready to kick it up a notch. Joe, are you still MIA until September, or could you squeeze in an hour or two one night this week?

Also, because the server shows up on a gigantic list of servers on the Steam Engine, we need a name. Anybody got a good one?


Mike said...

Successful for you maybe, you weren't the one getting the bejesus blasted out of you by toilets and watermellons!

Jay said...

Oh c'mon, it wasn't THAT bad. You held your own, for the most part.

Jay said...


Mike said...

Grim Reeperbahn. Hurry Down Doomsday. Sesame Streetfight. Selected Distortions. I don't know.