Friday, July 06, 2007

Alaskan Adventures

OK, I'm not as cool as Steve McQueen (who got a DUI in Alaska and subsequently took the mug shot you see here), but I did get pretty wasted in our 49th state.

After 24 hours of travel across four time zones, we finally arrived in Homer at midnight (felt like 4 am to us) and proceeded to go to a bar called Charakters. After several pints of a local brew and listening to Jewel's brother's band (!), Mike and I decided it would be a good idea to play guitar and drink whiskey and champagne for another hour or so. Did I mention it never gets dark? My body was in complete disarray. The next day, I puked here, here, and here. Good times. I will say that Homer is very beautiful- everywhere in town you are surrounded by gorgeous mountains and fresh, cold water.

Recover was slow but I rallied on the third day in time to start prepping for the wedding. Frog's boss donated 30 lbs. each of scallops, shrimp, halibut, salmon, and crab legs. Caroline and I helped our friend from New Orleans, Chef Rob, turn all of it into the best wedding food of all time. It involved lots of shopping, running around, and driving cars with no brakes down precipitous, winding hills. Everyone in Alaska seems to own three or four cars, none of which run very well, and all of which have the keys left in them at all times for anyone to use.

The wedding itself was a huge success. It rained quite a lot that afternoon, but after some logistical shuffling, Frog came down the aisle to Mike and I playing and singing the V.U.'s "I'm Sticking With You". Sadly, the ceremony was not filmed, although there are plenty of pics (which I'll post when we get 'em back). The ceremony was brief and I am now a 'Wedding Commissioner' in the state of Alaska. Bride and groom danced to AC/DC and a swell time was had by all.

We flew from Homer to Anchorage in an 8 seat plane that cruised at about 2500 feet. Talk abour unvarnished beauty. All around there were no signs of human life at all: no roads, power lines, boats, nada. Just glaciers, lakes, mountains, and greenery. Absolutely stunning. As for Alaska itself, I can completely understand its appeal for certain people or for anyone wanting to get away from something or wanting to start fresh. Still, the 50 degree highs in mid-June convinced me it was not a place for me to be long term. Also, Alaskanas, while friendly, definitely are part of an exclusive 'club' and seem to carry that designation like a badge of honor. Pride of place and all that, but eccentricity can turn into boorishness at a pretty quick clip.


Mike said...

Welcome back to the lower 48! The Salty Dawg looked like a terrific place to puke. Sounds like a very, very cool wedding, sorry no one filmed. Or brought back any eats to the rest of us, for that matter. Nice bit of McQueen trivia there, too.

Jay said...


Who is Frog, again?

Dave said...

The bride!

Jay said...

Ha ha ha!

Joe said...

Man, what a fantastic wedding. My mouth was watering over the food part. I can't wait for the pics. Did it take you 24 hrs to fly out there?

Dave said...

17 or so hours flight time with layovers and then a five hour drive from Anchorage to Homer! Yikes!

Jay said...

Shit, why not just get married on the moon?