My New Orleans Saints, pre-season faves to win the NFC and go to the Super Bowl, are a dismal 4-6. They started out 0-4, won 4 in a row to raise hopes, and have dropped the last two to crappy teams. How are your favorite teams doing?
In related news, I'm first in fantasy league, sweeping the floor with my opponents every week.
I don't have any favorite teams, as watching other men play games is gay.
Well call me Percy, because I LOVE me some football.
Dolphins: 0-10
Seminoles: 7-4, bottom of the ACC.
It's all pretty dismal in my pigskin world.
Me too. Dare I confess that I'm an Alabama fan in football? I went to see Memphis play basketball tonight, I think that will be fun to watch. At least as fun as watching other men play games can be.
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