Blender takes a stab at the top 100 Indie albums of all time. I guessed what number one would be before I even looked (and no, its not Murmur, but Murmur is in the top 10). What do you think? And how many of these albums do you have (I have or have had twenty)? And what got left out?
I'm very surprised that none of these are on Blender's list:
1) Deathcab For Cutie
2) Ryan Adams
3) Jim O'Rourke
4) The Decemberists
I did not correctly guess number one, but I have owned 25 of the 100. Great post(s), Deighve!
I thought for sure the Decemberists would make the cut, as well as some of the stuff from Stiff Records, but alas, it was not to be.
Was there no GBV on that list, or did I just miss it? Please add 'Pavement' to the list of bands that I know I should like, but have never managed to get heated up over.
I counted 34 albums that I have had if you count the ones that were stolen from electronic sources or bespectacled roommates. I think the list of ones I actually bought and owned in vinyl and/or cd format was around 10.
I thought I saw Bee Thousand; if I didn't, that's a HUGE oversight.
I weigh in with a lofty 9. Hey, what about that Arcade Fire? Is it really that good?
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