Thursday, August 02, 2007

Well, Jacksonville's a city with a hopeless streetlight

Sorry I've been an absentee bastardo lately, but here's the latest...

I applied for a job with a company called LSI ( for an Instructional Design position in Jacksonville, Florida. They got back to me rather promptly, set up a conference call which happened today, and got back, rather promptly again, and orfered me a job. It's a cool ass job doing CBT for the Marine's V22 Osprey - not sure what it all entails, but it would be a lot more interesting than working for an insurance company (the only other nibble I've gotten). Granted, it's not higher ed, but the well seems to have run dry on those types of jobs (JU has evidently lost my number). Anyway, everything about the job is great, except they filled the Florida position and offered me this one in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Which you of course know as the home of Camp LeJune and the birthplace of Ryan Adams.

Everything about the job is good - salary, bennies, relocation, all that. Only problem is it's up the coast a bit farther than I wanted. They're expecting an up or down vote by Monday. I foresee a bit of 'meditating' (read drinking) over the weekend. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

PS - By the time you read this, I'll be sucking on 39.


Dave said...

First of all, who is this '39' you speak of? Secondly, for all of my bitching, NC is not a bad state to live in. Insurance is cheap, cost of living ridiculously low, and the NC beaches are pretty awesome, if not as awesome as Florida beaches. The best part about them for me is that they are not in Florida. Also, you'd be relatively close to me and we could do our sad middle age drinking together on some weekends. Good luck, and keep us posted.

Jay said...

Take it! I'm pretty conservative about this stuff, but a bird in the hand ...

Jay said...

And happy birthday! I hope you're using a dental dam ...

Mike said...

Sounds like a pretty comfortable place to drink your pints for a year or so. Ryan Adams and the marines, that's going to be damn hard to top.