Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Okay, Dang It

Let's cut to the chase: where were you, what were you doing, and how did you find out?


Mike said...

Watching the Brady Bunch with friends of the family who were visiting for the day. I already owned several Elvis records at that young age, so I was hit hard. Local news guy Mason Granger broke the news to me. You knew it was big, they don't break into the Brady Bunch for just anything.

Dave said...

Playing in my backyard in Spokane, WA. Mom yelled out the window, "Hey kids, Elvis died." Didn't seem like too big a deal to me at the time because anyone over 40 was at death's door anyway. Way too young to have any idea of the significance, but mom and dad seemed sad about it.

Jay said...

What an amazing coincidence! I too was watching the Brady Bunch that afternoon.