Friday, August 10, 2007

Ankiel Smash

The Rick Ankiel story is an amazing one. He shot to the big leagues as a 20-year-old phenom pitcher, but developed a bizarre psychological problem and lost the ability to throw the ball over the plate. After a long struggle, he gave up pitching, reinvented himself as an outfielder, starting his career over from scratch. Two and a half years later, he returned to the big leagues last night to a standing ovation and hit a home run in his first game back.

He spent most of the season here in Memphis with the Redbirds, the Cardinals' AAA affiliate, and led the league in HRs. Incidentally, the promotion for tonight's Redbirds game is a Marvel comic book featuring the Hulk, Iron Man, Spiderman and Rick Ankiel.


Jay said...

If Ankiel can come back, maybe there's hope for Joe in the bedroom, too.

Mike said...

Hell, what about Lurker in the bedroom? I swear, I'd have to review the instructions on the condoms box.

Dave said...

Haha! Jay's not giving you any play these days?

Jay said...

Everybody knows that kind of sex doesn't count, Dave. Ask any 30 year old "virgin."

Mike said...

I think you'd have to be either a robot or a monster to be one of Jay's side dishes.

Jay said...

With boobs.

Joe said...

I remember watching something about him when he was losing it pitching. It was painful to watch. He literally couldn't get it to the catcher half the time.

Dave said...

He hit two more in one game yesterday - that is awesome.