Friday, August 03, 2007

Almost Forgot ...

I pulled "The Incredible Bulk" from a set of CDs containing every issue of MAD magazine through 1998 or so. (Christmas present, circa 1999.)

Anybody have any requests that you can dredge up from your quickly evaporating childhood memories?


Joe said...

Oh man! That's great. Any chance of sharing some faves through some type of protocol that allows for the transfer of files?

Mike said...

Dude gets offered a military job and suddenly he's an expert on protocol. I have no need for a protocol droid.

Jay said...

Sure! Here's where that part about requests comes in ...

But there was a 1978 parody about punk rock that became almost mythical to me over the years. I read it on a sleepover at a friend's house when I was in the third grade or so. I looked for it off and on as a teenager, but since I didn't have an issue number (or even know what was on the cover), it was the proverbial hay in a needlestack. Long story longer, I found it easily with the MAD CDs.

Maybe I'll post it.

Mike said...

Ah yes, the scattered remnants of a childhood. I've got lots of needles misplaced in that barn, but none from Mad. Have any Marvel holiday grab bags from the '70s?

Joe said...

I remember that, Jay! They piss on the audience while doing 'singing in the rain' or something like that.

Dave said...

My brother and I were avid readers of MAD in the late seventies. What I wouldn't give for that stack of 20 or 30 issues.

Jay said...

Joe, despite the abuse your brain has endured, your memory seems to be well intact.

No Marvel comics Lurker, but it makes you wonder why there aren't CDs of scanned Marvel titles. I'd buy 'em.