Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Winding down Austin

I got my hair cut thish afternoon, happened upon a tap room that had $2 pints of local Austin breweries, spent a considerable amount of time there, stopped by my favorite local music shstore, then my favorite local; "From Thish Perschpective," I see Nick Cave's latest 'Grinderman' project, and the Amy Winehoushe I bought for my wife. I just don't get it, Jay, but I haven't given it a lishen.

P.Sch. I got free tix to Schea World, so I'm going to take the boy to see the conditioned Killer Whales tomorrow.


Dave said...

You drink like an amateur. If you were half the man I thought you were you'd have been taking tequila shots out of a hooker's belly button and snorting coke off the killer whale's tailfin. Your purchases would have included a Dirty Rotten Imbeciles album and you'd be trippin' on mushrooms RIGHT NOW. Damn I'm disappointed.

Jay said...

Don't fall in.

Mike said...

Words to live by, Jay, thank you.

Hope the Barbados job comes through. That would take the sting out of leaving Tejas.

Jay said...

Then you'd be Bastardo de Barbados.