Thursday, June 14, 2007

End Of An Ear

I saw the Hold Steady this weekend. I guess that will be my last big Austin schow. Definitely a great one to go out on. I also took the kiddies to see Dan Zanes and friends (including Barbara Brousal), which cost me an arm and a leg, but was a lot of fun.

We load the truck tomorrow, and it's off to Fla and a few days on the beach, so you won't be hearing much from me for awhile.


Jay said...

Sounds like you've got mixed feelings about leaving, and I know how much you guys hate the beach.

Just try to have some fun, will ya?

Dave said...

Au revoir. If I can leave N.O. without suicide, you can leave Austin. I know what it feels like though- sympathy and luck!

Mike said...

Hope all goes well with the move and Austin withdrawal.