Tuesday, June 05, 2007

School's Out!

Oh my God and not a moment too soon. I love my students, but I am ready to be rid of them (and they of me) for a month or two. Today was the usual chaos of test-taking combined with energy and excitement. I've only been here for five hours and I'm exhausted. Rock and roll high school indeed.


Jay said...

Rock. Roll. Repeat as needed.

Joe said...

Ah, summer. That is the true reason to remain in education. Yeah, there's the whole greater good thing, but there's nothing like taking a couple months off. Toes in sand. Drink in Hand. Let chill.

Dave said...

Truer words were never spoken, except when someone starts a story: "This one time, Jay's mom and I......"

Jay said...

Et tu, Dave? Et tu?

Mike said...

Lucky bastard.

Joe said...

I've started many stories with "This one time, Jay's mom and I......" I'll tell you, Lurker, there's nothing lucky about it. It's all sad sad sad.