Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who Do Ya Use?

I'm running down the minutes on my Tracfone (aka The Ghetto Phone), and I'm casting about for a new cellphone service provider for the wife and myself. My place of employment gets me a 20% discount on most of the big guys, and it appears that the cost will be about the same no matter who I choose. I'm just looking for solid, reliable service, and at the moment, I'm leaning towards ATT (formerly Cingular).



Joe said...

I'm with Cingular, but my reception sucks. I'm on pay as you go, and I've got a cheap phone, so I'm not the best to advise.

Mike said...

I have Cingular under a contract. The last phone I had before this one was bad, but it had some special chip because I was traveling so much and far. This one's been pretty good. Your best bet though would be to make your decision based on who has the least annoying commercials.

Jay said...

No clear winner there.

Dave said...

Verizon, yo. Brand new too. So far so good. Mostly I got it because all of my family and Caroline's family has Verizon.

I used Nextell for about four years, and had no major complaints. I really hated by phone though.

Jay said...

Verizon did something to piss me off a few years back. Oh, I remember now ...

Around the time that our first child was born, we were trying to save money. Cellphones were deemed a luxury item, so before I canceled, I thought I'd check on emergency only service, where you only pay something like $7.00 a month plus the minutes you actually use.

After swearing up and down for a good five minutes that they didn't do that, the Verizon customer service rep transferred me to someone who offered me that exact service. So what was the trick? I uttered the four magic words: I want to cancel.

Fuckers. I canceled anyway.