Monday, June 04, 2007


Now that nobody remembers or cares, I've uploaded the reunion show to the Fundamentally Tragic Pizzeria. I've decided that live recordings are about as flattering as fluorescent lights in a truck stop restroom.


Mike said...

Awesome, thanks!

Joe said...

You should release that. I would think you could sell a few with all the excitement it generated.

And I thought you quit hanging around truck stop restrooms, Jay. You know you don't need the money anymore.

Mike said...

Jay, that is a solid, fucking set! I thought you guys hit your stride with Time to Panic, and it was golden from there. "..If anyone is interested in buying some antiques.." hilarious. It all makes me furious that I had to miss it. Please do it again, that's all I can say. It made me remember how much I miss going to see you guys.

Mike said...

What makes me mad about it is that it was cleaner than any set I heard in your last year. Like in the "go crazy" coda of Can't Have You, nicely executed!

Dave said...

I shall listen today. My critiques will not be as glowing as the others as you know what a high standard I put on exactitude and perfection in live playing. Each note crisp, clear, and in the pocket. That's why I never, ever, ever, got wasted while I was playing. Ever. Not once. Not even at practice. Ever.

Jay said...

I think we're just going to stream it from the site. Why start trying to make the Subteens a profitable endeavor now?

The truck stop's not about the money anymore either, Joe.

Jay said...

Thanks, Lurker! We'll do it again one of these days.

Do your worst, Grand Poobah Dave!

Dave said...

A two balls up performance. Well played young man! Makes an old man want to get out the walker and make some music on stage.

Jay said...

Thanks, Deighv! I think a show every few years is just enough to remind me why I used to do this in the first place AND why I quit.

Move back to Memphis and we'll start a new band that practices and records totally, completely sober.