Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Graveyard Book

Congratulations to Neil Gaiman, who was awarded the Newberry medal for 2009. Not bad for an old comic book writer.

The Graveyard Book is "a delicious mix of murder, fantasy, humor and human longing" according to the Newberry people, all the things I look for in children's books.


Jay said...

Looks cool! For what aged children is this book appropriate?

Mike said...

Seems like Newberries are for that 10-15 niche, but always appropriate for Subteens.

Joe said...

I think he wrote Coraline too, didn't he. I heard about this one this morning. I want to read it, but it's a bit above my level.

Andrew said...

I always find it odd that the judges of prizes for books for children are adults. A2 is probably a bit young, still, to benefit from being read to, but I read to him anyway, and what he most likes about a book is if he can get the corner of the page in his mouth and use it as teething relief. Do these prizes take that into account, I wonder?