Lively is a new virtual world from our masters at Google. According to the AP:
The Mountain View-based company unveiled a free service Tuesday in which three-dimensional software enables people to congregate in electronic rooms and other computer-manufactured versions of real life. The service, called "Lively," represents Google's answer to a 5-year-old site, Second Life, where people deploy animated alter egos known as avatars to navigate through virtual reality.
The difference between this and Second Life is that Lively is free (don't know if you can 'buy' stuff), and it can be integrated in to social networking sites like Facebook. Naturally, sexual content is already starting to pop up. Geek out!
Well Joe, I see you've chosen an appropriate avatar already.
So when is the first LBU Lively get-together? I'll bring the virtual chips ...
Cool, I'm there!
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