Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Catchy Wednesday(?)

And Now The Curse of Marjorie. Anyone heard of Nurses? This is a great song, but they seem to have a minimal web footprint. Damn cool video, too. I'm too spoiled these days to buy a CD on the strength of a single song. (How the times have changed!!!!)


Mike said...

Ah, they have a MySpace! http://www.myspace.com/nurses

Hmm... Maybe my "not buying based on a single track" strategy has saved me some dough. Still, Marjorie is fantastic.

Jay said...

That's a solid track, but the guitarist still needs at least one punch in the balls for that ridiculous hipster mustache.

Mike said...

And a firm kick in the balls for playing 3 instruments in 1 song. That shit is just wrong.

Dave said...

Great song. This is why I sometimes hate videos. While it is interesting visually and really well put together, the group themselves come off as too pretentious by half. Let's see.... Paul Weller haircut? Check! Brandon Flowers moustache? Check! Guy who looks like someone from Blondie in 1978? Check! Man, that dude's balls are gonna hurt when we get done with him....

Jay said...

As my mom would say, the lead singer's hair looks like a cow's been sucking on it. (She's a funny lady, despite what Joe will tell you.)