Tuesday, April 15, 2008


As you may not have noticed, I have not been much of a bastard lately, due to far too much working like the wrong kind of bastard, and far too little time perusing the old internet tubes. Indeed, I just found out today that NFL apparently has merged with the USFL.

But this weekend I finally got to get away with two chums for a breakneck trip out west to see the San Francisco Giants on Saturday, and the Dodgers on Sunday, flying home tired, sun-burned, and grumpy on Monday. Above is the charming fake deer that graces the bullpen at otherwise charmless Dodger stadium.

I've been to what is now known as AT&T Park in SF before, and it is a really terrific stadium. The fans in the bleachers are friendly and knowledgeable about the game, the beer is good, and, of course, it is always a treat to have a night our in SF. Neither decrepit, hard to get to, Dodger Stadium, nor its moronic, uninterested fans, fare well in comparison, but hey: it was a nice day, and there are worse things to do than catch a game in a new (to us) stadium.


Joe said...

Soylent Green is not Andrew!

Welcome back. Aren't you supposed to be British? College Football... Baseball...?

Andrew said...

Pretty much any excuse to drink beer outside on a sunny day is alright with me.

Dave said...

And since cricket and croquet are hard to come by stateside......

Welcome back friend. I highly recommend Safeco field in Seattle next time you'd like to sojourn to the west coast for a game. And did I mention Durham Bulls Athletic Park?

Jay said...

Speaking of sojourns, are any plans firming up for the First Annual Bastard Convention?

Mike said...

I can't keep track of the shifting stadium names in SF (Pac-Bell, SBC, AT&T) but it's the best baseball stadium I've ever been to, even without the Dodger dogs!