Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Original Artwork And A Good Cause!

An artist in San Francisco named Joe Alterio is raising money for the San Francisco AIDS Marathon by offering to create original artwork for a donation of $25.00 or more. The best part – besides the charity, I mean – is it's all robots and monsters! His plan is to add artists and causes down the road, but for now, it's just him.

After you make your donation, you email him requesting a robot or a monster, and three descriptive words as a jumping off point. It's a collaborative creative process, get it? I think I might donate, but can you guys help me think of three words?

How did I become aware, you may be asking? He emailed me regarding the similarity of our URLs, asking that I redirect folks if they mistakenly contact me looking for him.


Dave said...

Big. Gay. Heart.

Jay said...


Dave said...

Tiny. Porcelain. Mouse.

Mike said...

Wet. Moaning. Busty.

Jay said...

So far, Mike wins. But is that a robot or a monster?

Mike said...

A robot, of course! (no in-laws)

Dave said...

My suggestions kick the crap out of Lurker's. How about this:

Ass. Clown. Lurker.

Mike said...

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Jay said...

Where. Is. Joe.

Joe said...

Aw, man, how did I miss out on this one?!!


Shit, I'm too tired now. That's cool that he contacted you that way. I wouldn't mind ordering one. Maybe I should use "Just. Give. Up"

Jay said...


"RobotsAndMonsters.org, after getting bOINGed and later written up in the Boston Globe's Ideas Section, took off like a rocket, forcing my hand to shut down donations earlier than expected. It probably also means that we cut off some additional funding, which breaks me up a bit, but I had to stop the insanity sometime: as of this writing, we raised over $8300 (w00t!) for the cause, from over 15,000 hits to the site, which is just stunning to me."