Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lost Subteens EP

A few weeks back, Joe asked about the elusive lost Subteens EP. As luck would have it, I found an image of the cover whilst digging through some old floppy discs (remember those?) last night. The EP itself is pretty bad – with the exception of a song or two – as there was no clear-cut musical direction when it was recorded. Three writers, two different writing styles.

I still kinda like that cover, though ...


Dave said...

Flotsam Trafficking Particles?

Jay said...

Oh man, you're killing me.

Lucky for me, it's only on cassette at the moment, but let me dig around and see what I can do.

Jay said...

Have you looked closely at the title of this blargh lately, David?

Dave said...

Yes, jackhole, I have. And I'm ready for your laughing puss up there any time. Please don't put any pictures of Joe or Lurker please.

Jay said...

Hey, I remembered I had the best of the EP and some other crap already. It's in a folder called Outtakes.

Here's the breakdown:

1) "Anyone," "Such A Shame," and "Make Her Talk To Me" are from the EP.

2) "Shannon," "Amy Anymore," "What I Can't Say," "George & Martha," "Embarrassed," and "Selected Portions" are recorded VERY LIVE to two track, circled up in the studio. Yikes.

3) "If I Can't Have You," "UFO," "Holly Hates Rock 'n' Roll," and "Brand New Cadillac" were properly recorded songs that we never used.

I'm guessing you'll be interested in "Holly," as I stole that amazing title from you and wrote a whole new song around it. (I think you already knew this, no?)

If you listen closely at the end of "Can't Have You," you can hear me talking. It fades quickly, but I'm saying, "Hey, he's not even singing the right words."

Dave said...

Excellence. I shall be ripping and listening this afternoon. I do remember that you used "Holly Hates Rock and Roll". I think I was going to do the same thing, but never got around to it.

Joe said...

I never wrote a song called "Holly Hated Rock 'n' Roll," Jay. You're obviously delusional. Was "George and Martha" an attempt to be like the Kitchens & Bathrooms guy (Clay?) and write a historical love song? Ah, the pretension.

Joe said...

And yes, please no pictures of Lurker or me. We don't want all of our traffic to be hot girls who are only attracted by our movie star good looks. We want to keep it to the occasional passing Turkish nerd.

Jay said...

"George & Martha" is actually about Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolf?, the extremely fucked up Mike Nichols film based on the Edward Albee play.

Add it to your queue if you haven't seen it. Definitely worth a viewing, but you'll feel like you've been beaten with a tire iron when it's over.

Hey, is a Turkish lurker a Turker?

Jay said...

More here.