Friday, April 10, 2009

Wednesday Week

I'll take a stab at catchy Friday. Here's one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite underrated 'punk' bands, the Undertones. This is a lot more jangly n' catchy than punk, but I love it all the same.


Jay said...

Nice! Have any of you bastards seen The Undertones documentary? In it, they reveal that this was shot in a band member's (can't remember which) backyard. Zero-budget music videos, the way God intended. Very Irish.

Joe said...

I just like the name Feargal Sharkey. That's a great song. I have to say I don't know much of their stuff beyond 'Teenage Kicks.'

Mike said...

What a gem of a song! I'll have to spin through their album again, haven't been past Kicks in a long time.

Dave said...

Forgetting To Pray? If you did, you might find some Easter weekend treats tomorrow.