I'm not the music store impulse buyer I once was, thanks in a large part to you generous and knowledgeable bastards. I rarely buy anything now unless I have a pretty good idea it's going to be good, though I do still get burned once in a while. I did pick this CD up though, on the strength of The Coast is Never Clear (which coincidentally was released on Sept. 11, 2001 and had a picture of an airplane on the back), and it turned out to be a very nice find.
Beulah was associated with the Elephant 6 Collective, which also worked with Of Montreal, among others.
Thanks, Lurker! That's a great one. I saw them in Austin awhile back. This is the only album I've ever heard by them, though. I had an Irish Wolfhound named Beaulah when I was a kid. She was a great dog.
I have The Coast is Never Clear, too, even suspected that you might've been the original source. I'll Flip That Penny when I get home. Also something else you're going to dig..
Anxious to check this out. Caroline has passed me by in the 'being adventurous about new music' routine.
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