I keep seeing these Bud Light commercials with the theme of "drinkability." It's reportedly part of a $50 million(!) campaign. It strikes me that only a domestic beer producer would spend that kind of money to trumpet the fact that you can actually drink its product.
I'm starting a campaign for motor oil. The theme: Undrinkable.
I'm starting a campaign for Abba: Unlistenable.
In fairness, they wanted to go with "Not a faggoty microbrew" but their legal team balked.
Speaking of faggoty microbrews, my first batch of home brew is almost ready. I'm a little pessimistic, because I don't think the yeast really kicked in (so it may be flat, unpleasant tasting, and virtually non-alcoholic -- much like Bud Light) but damn it I'll drink it all anyway.
I hope it has drinkability Andrew. Wish I were close enough to join you in your first tasting.
The first beer I ever brewed and bottled came out perfect. Which sucked, because it never happened again.
Good luck, sir. I think I mentioned before that my first home brew attempt resulted in the "nothing but head" phenomenon. (Horrible for beer, but has its possibilities in other areas ...)
What beer is everybody drinking these days? I'm partial to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, myself ... (That's superior drinkability.)
I really like Highland Brewing from Asheville, NC. All their beers are good. Right now I'm enjoying a Cattail Wheat Beer.
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